+34 91 889 89 61 sig@sig.es

Regletas Knürr PDUs​

Regletas PDU para monitorización en tiempo real de la energía de los dispositivos conectados a la regleta.

Gestión remota y configuración de protocolos de seguridad de energía.


¿No sabes que PDU necesitas para tu proyecto?

Encuentra la PDU de rack más adecuada para su aplicación utilizando rPDU Finder

¿No sabes que PDU necesitas para tu proyecto?

Encuentra la PDU de rack más adecuada para su aplicación utilizando rPDU Finder

The Broadest Range of rPDU Options Available

VertivTM GeistTM offers a wide range of Monitored and Switched rPDUs equipped with a network interface to allow for remote monitoring, management, and automated alerts.

These units offer important insights on how to improve data center energy efficiency while enabling you to prevent downtime, providing notifications when user-specified thresholds for power and environmental conditions are breached.

Intelligent rPDUs


Monitored rPDUs provide power usage remotely with access to the rPDU current, voltage, real power, apparent power, power factor and kilowatt hours.

Available in Unit-Level and Outlet-Level monitoring configurations.


Switched rPDUs provide all the benefits of a Monitored rPDU plus the ability to remotely turn on, turn off, or reboot power at each outlet. Available in Unit- Level and Outlet-Level monitoring configurations.

Basic and Metered rPDUs


Basic rPDUs offer reliable, space saving and cost-effective power distribution at the rack while meeting a broad range of power distribution requirements for all IT applications.


Metered rPDUs come equipped with a digital display providing power consumption data helpful in preventing overloads.


Design, Assembly and Testing

On-site engineering, reliability, conformance and compliance labs allow us to design, manufacture and ship rPDUs so they arrive when you need them. Each new unit is built and approved in our labs before being released to production. Every unit is 100% tested for reliability and functionality.

Fully Compliant — Worldwide Approvals

Conformance labs with a dedicated compliance and reliability engineering team ensure conformance to global standards for safety, reliability and accuracy.

Largest rPDU Selection in the Industry

rPDUs stocked in the channel for immediate availability. Standard units are built-to-order and shipped in 3 to 5 business days. Engineer-to-Order units designed to meet your unique specifications shipped in as little as 2 to 3 weeks.


We produce high quality products while providing you with superior service and value. Whether it is providing excellent customer service or implementing new technologies, Vertiv Geist promotes innovation, quality and satisfaction in all aspects of business.


Fault-Tolerant Daisy Chaining

Simplifies intelligent rPDU connectivity and ensures data is reported, even if a break in the communication chain occurs.

High Temperature Grade

Up to 60°C temperature rating ensures reliable operation in high temperature environments.

Input Power Monitoring

 Accuracy (ANSI and IEC) allows data center managers to accurately reconcile power usage.

Low-Profile Breakers

Compact profile to install in tight spaces for units requiring breakers

Device Director

Device Director is a comprehensive, Windows-based utility that is used to install, configure and maintain multiple VertivTM GeistTM devices within a single interface.

Device Director helps you set the IP addresses of multiple devices, configure user accounts, modify network settings, update firmware, export/import configuration settings and validate device connectivity.

Device Director gives you a powerful and easy way to mass configure Vertiv Geist devices, and effectively reduces setup time and maintenance cost.

  • Automatic discovery of Vertiv Geist devices on the network
  • Mass configuration of device and network settings
  • Bulk firmware updates

Vertiv Geist Mobile

The Vertiv rPDU Scanner provides full visibility of the power distribution unit and its power consumption at
your fingertips.

Using Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology, the Upgradeable line of rPDUs optically transmit information to your handheld device providing easy, secure, and instant access to power usage data at the cabinet or rack.

  • Real-time capture of comprehensive rPDU data
  • Automation of rPDU inventory management
  • Secure & interference-free wireless data transmission
  • Available on networked and non-networked rPDUs
VertivTM Intelligence Director

VertivTM Intelligence Director


The next generation of VertivTM GeistTM rPDUs offer enhanced monitoring and simplified networking with the introduction of Vertiv Intelligence Director.

  • On Monitored* and Switched units, users have the ability to daisy chain up to 50 devices with a single IP address.
  • Access data from all downstream rPDU and UPS** devices from one master rPDU.
  • Users are able to aggregate data by grouping devices by rack or row.
  • Downstream devices self-configure, significantly reducing deployment time.

How it works

1. Designate a Switched or Monitored unit with an IMD-3E or IMD-03E installed as the master unit. The IMD-3E comes standard with Switched and Outlet Level Monitored units.

2. Connect up to 50 devices through a network switch or by daisy chaining the rPDUs to the master unit.

3. Securely access downstream device data via SNMP or the master unit user interface through a single IP address and bring the consolidated data in your private cloud.


Proactively Monitor Your Data Center

VertivTM GeistTM Environmental Sensors enable you to remotely monitor a variety of environmental parameters in critical areas. Get alerts when user-specified thresholds are breached. Proactively resolve issues to prevent downtime and equipment failure.


Temperature, Humidity, Dew Point Sensor Kit

The GTHD & GT3HD sensors collect and transmit real-time data to protect

critical data center and Edge equipment from heat and moisture. The sensors can be daisy chained together to simplify installation.

The GT3HD comes equipped with two additional inputs for temperature sensors to monitor the top, middle, and bottom of a server cabinet.


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